When it came to film our piece, we choose to use two cameras, we thought this would be a good idea because we could then split into two groups so could get it filmed quicker. I had never used these cameras before, so i wasn't sure if they were going to be easy to use or not, but after we were taught which each button was, it soon became very clear how to operate the cameras. We choose to also use a tripod to enhance our camera angles, it was a bit of a struggle to fix the camera onto the tripod, but once it was on there, we could start filming, and after a few shots the camera became very simple to use.
Our filming went ahead smoothly, with little problems. The only issue I believe we had, was that we were so concentrated on the camera angles and shots, that we forgot about our script and dialogue at one point! We had to resolve this by going back and filming the same section again, but this time with the actors speaking!
We didn't change much when filming, we kept to our storyboard plan and the camera angles we had wrote down, but we did add some shots. We filmed each section more than once, this allowed us to film at the angle we originally planned, we then would watch the footage back, if we were happy with it we would film at the same angle again, if not, we would film from a different angle, to see if we could get better results.
After watching back some of our work, we noticed that in one section with the cowboy dancing, we filmed it under a bright light, this made it hard to see any detail in the clip, so we filmed it again but in a different part of the room.
I think our group prepared as much as we could for filming. I believe that the storyboard which we spent a long time on, really helped us when it came to filming, without it, it would have taken us much longer to film as we would have had to think about how would were going to film it, while we were filming it.
While we were filming, i think we worked well as a team. We each took turns filming, so everyone learnt how to operate the cameras. Every group members opinion was valid, and if someone wanted to try out a certain camera angle which other didn't, we would still try it out. I think one of the main reason why we worked so well together was because we were always talking to each other about what we were doing.
I really enjoyed learning how to use the cameras, then putting what we had learnt in lessons about different camera shots to use on our own film. It was really rewarding to watch the final edited piece.
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