Sunday, 22 January 2012

Film openings analysis

Panic Room (2002 - thriller)
Panic Room was released in 2002 and was produced by Columbia Pictures Corporation.
The genre of the movie, is not easily identified by the opening 2 minutes of the film, but it does hint at what it could possibly be. From the music, setting and pace of the opening, the genres i picked up were action, mystery and thriller, but not enough information is given away to give the film a definite genre.
The setting hints at the genre and narrative of the film. What we can establish from the opening, and what is very clear, is that the movie is based in a city, and the city is very identifiable as New York by the yellow taxis and familiar buildings. The opening of this film sets the scene well.
As the audience knows the setting, figuring out the narrative and atmosphere is made easier. City life is fast paced and busy, so we can guess that the atmosphere of the film and the narrative will be fast paced, although the story line is defiantly not given away, as you can only guess what is to come.
Apart from right at the end of the opening when we hear female voices talking, no characters are introduced at all, therefore not giving away any clues to what part the characters will play in the movie and leaving the audience in suspense.
The non-diegetic minor key sound track that runs throughout the film opening builds tension well with its eerie tone. There is no narration, so the music track takes over the whole section, and sets the tone for the opening scene.
the titles are very large and almost take over the screen, but as there is no introductions to characters, and not a lot else to focus on, the titles do not intrude anything, so making them very large is good as it adds to the atmospheric feel. The font of the writing is clear and readable, each title has upper case silver letters in 3D. Which give each title a big impact on the screen. The use of 3D makes the writing almost blend in the the skyscrapers in the background.       

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