Friday, 10 February 2012

Jelly Babies Activity

For this activity we created a storyboard for a film opening with the use of jelly babies. We were given a list of generic scenarios for film openings of different genres, as a group we decided on the sci-fi alien opening. Our film opening for the storyboard was the conventional, alone protagonist driving on a road, in the middle of no where, and spotting a UFO. The purpose of this storyboard task was to use the jelly babies as a tool to help us understand and to get us thinking about framing in each shot. It also assisted us in thinking how we can portray the genre of the film using conventions in it's first two minutes, during the opening.
I found it difficult to think of what shots to use and how each shot we use should help emphasise the sci-fi theme, but after the first few, it became quite clear and the shots just came to us.
We discussed as a group each shot and the framing in each, we also discussed for a while how we should introduce the UFO and aliens into the sequence, to make sure the opening would run as smooth as possible. We used shots in our storyboard such as the birds eye view shot and establishing shot to show the audience how alone and venerable the character is, these helped set the scene for what is to come. We also planned for the radio to be playing, and for what is said on the radio to contrast with the situation the protagonist is in, such as when the DJ says 'it is a clear sky tonight' this contrasts to the situation of the lone male as he then spots a UFO in the sky above him.
Doing this task will help my group and myself when we come to create our own film opening, as i now understand more about importance of framing in each shot, and how each shot should link to the genre.

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